Monday, April 12, 2010

Tuesday Tuneday #21: The Ghastly Ones

Beware! The Ghastly Ones are here! Okay, so they aren't actually here, but its time for their Tuneday. The Ghastly ones have the most original sound around, the spooky surf won't keep you seated, and you will wish you brought your top hat and cane. 1817 did an exclusive interview a few months back, if you missed it, here it is. If they come to Minnesota, 1817 will be the first to know. As for all you all living in California, check them out, their shows look like the crypt with some serious babes and spooks. OH! They have a girl in the band who... I don't think plays an instrument... but just dances and jams out, she is a babe and a half.

Heres a taste of a few songs.

Haulin' Hearse official video.